A warm welcome to the webinar "Education and employment needs in the Sámi film industry" organised by Sámi film industry and media education Erasmus+ project
EtusivuTietoa meistäA warm welcome to the webinar "Education and employment needs in the Sámi film industry" organised by Sámi film industry and media education Erasmus+ project

A warm welcome to the webinar "Education and employment needs in the Sámi film industry" organised by Sámi film industry and media education Erasmus+ project


The Sámi film industry is at a crossroads.

The demand for Sámi films has exploded and the number of productions is growing rapidly. Sámi film industry needs funding and capacity building. The biggest challenge facing the industry today is a shortage of labour. There are simply not enough skilled workers. The Sámi film industry is not able to respond to the growing interest and needs with sufficient volume and speed. Educational solutions in the coming years, increased funding and cooperation are key in growing the Sámi film industry in accordance with the values and ethics of the Sámi community. 

Welcome to discuss and hear about the current state of the Sámi film industry and future perspectives. As an introduction to the topic, we will go through the results of the mapping completed in the project on education and employment needs in the Sámi film industry.
We consider, for example, the following issues:
- How should education in the Sámi film industry be developed?
- Barriers to growth in the Sámi film industry and how can we solve them?
- How can we strengthen cooperation in all regions in Sápmi?

You can join the webinar from the link in the invitation: Click HERE to join.


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