Northern Sámi Language & Culture
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Davvisámegiella ja sámiid kultuvra - Northern Sámi Language & Culture

Northern Sámi Language & Culture education program is one intensive year of full-time study. The education consists mainly of Northern Sámi Language & Culture consisting of mandatory and elective coursework. Studies include field trips and language training, through which the student becomes acquainted with the Northern Sámi linguistic community and Sámi working life.




1 full year of Study


Jatkuva haku




Contact-based Teaching


Oulu University Giellagas-Language Institute and Sámi Education Institute Joint Collaboration

Upon completion of the Northern Sámi Language and Culture, the diploma can be used to further your studies at either the University of Oulu Giellagas Language Institute or at the Sámi University in Kautokeino, Norway. 

Oulun yliopiston Giellagas-instituutti

To Whom are these Studies Designed?

This study program is intended for anyone interested in Northern Sámi language and culture. The training begins at the beginner skill level, thus previous Northern Sámi studies are not required. The language of instruction is initially Finnish and, as the studies progress, Northern Sámi. The education curriculum is designed to be suitable for those who need Northern Sámi language and culture skills and for those planning a postgraduate course.

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The Sámi Education Institute prepares students for employment in the workforce. We provide training for young adults and mature students. We provide companies and communities with work-based training and development services.

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Welcome to the Sámi Education Institute! This section will provide students with information to help cope with everyday practices and to succeed in their academic studies.

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Ongoing and completed projects at the Sámi Education Institute.

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The Sámi Education Institute works closely with companies and other organizations in the region. We are actively developing our services to provide workplace solutions.

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Support for Virtual Education

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