Sámi film industry and media education -project
EtusivuProjectsSámi film industry and media education -project

The Sámi film industry is at a crossroads. The demand for Sámi films has exploded and the number of productions is growing rapidly. One of the biggest challenges facing the industry today is a shortage of labour. There are simply not enough skilled workers. The Sámi film industry is not able to respond to the growing interest and needs with sufficient volume and speed.

One of the main issues facing Indigenous communities is the lack of opportunities for young people to study or work in their home regions. The key to building a sustainable professional foundation for the film industry lies in education. Developing permanent, high-quality education is also a solution to the industry's labour shortage. In addition, larger production companies and more production traineeships are needed. Educational solutions in the coming years, increased funding and cooperation are key in growing the Sámi film industry in accordance with the values and ethics of the Sámi community.

The objective of the project is to develop film education in the Sámi region in cooperation with Sámi Education Institute, Kalix Folkhögskola and International Sámi Film Institute. We want to ensure that film education better meets the needs of the rapidly changing and developing film industry, and especially the Sámi film industry. The objective is to adapting film education and training to labour market needs and increasing the flexibility of opportunities for Sámi youth.

We are developing cooperation and sharing best practices through excursions and film industry company visits. We create an innovative cross-border traineeship programme for Sámi film productions, which is open to students from SAKK and Kalix Folkhögskola but also for young people from all over Sápmi. By collecting feedback from the pilot, we can make recommendations about good practices and implementation of the traineeship programme for film productions more broadly.

Desired results:
All partners work long-term in the film industry. The project will develop film education to become more cross-borderless and meet the needs of the rapidly developing film industry. This will also increase the attractiveness of film education and opportunities in the film industry for young people will increase. The Sámi film industry will get the workforce it desperately needs, more people who understand the language and culture will work in the film productions.

Target groups:
-Students of SAKK’s media education
-Students of Kalix Folkhögskola’s film and series production programme
-Young people from all over Sápmi
-Personnel at ISFI
-Personnel from Sámi Education Institute
-Personnel from Kalix Folkhögskola
-Indigenous partners in the film industry

Activities implemented in the project:

The Kick Off and the first live meeting between the project partners was organized in Kautokeino on 6-7 November 2023 at the International Sámi Film Institute (ISFI) in the snowy landscape of Buletjávr. For two days, we planned the project, its goals and activities, and got to know each other's a little more deeply. We also visited the Sámi University of Applied Sciences (Sámi Allaskuvla) and the film production company called Forest People.

Yle Sápmi's article about the project: https://yle.fi/a/74-20060844

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The project partners met in Guovdageaidnu, in the wonderful scenery of Buletjávri. Back row: Suvi King, Helena Andersson, Jukka Vuorela-Morottaja, Maren Nystad, Anders Durvall. Front row: Anne Lajla Utsi, Tiina Jäppinen, Erkki Feodoroff.

Media teachers' visit to Skábmagovat Film Festival in Inari 26-27 January 2024

Film and media teachers from Inari (Finland) Kalix (Sweden) and Karasjok (Norway) met in Inari during the Skábmagovat Film Festival. In addition to watching Sámi films, we got to know the Sámi Education Institute (SAKK) and its media education and visited Yle Sápmi and the Sámi Museum Siida. We also got to discuss the needs of media education in the North in the future!

Berit Marie Lise Eira, Erkki Feodoroff, Anders Durvall, Tiina Jäppinen, and Susanne Persson at the meeting of media teachers in Inari during the Skábmagovat Film Festival.

Sogsakk new’s article p.14: https://issuu.com/saamelaisalueenkoulutuskeskus/docs/sogsakk_sanomat_11.3.2024_web

Traineeships in Sámi film productions started in cooperation with ISFI in January 2024 with an open call. In March, two trainees started their work in the production of a drama series for Sámi youth called "Oro jaska" filmed in Karasjok. Traineeship periods in productions offer young people the opportunity to gain practical experience and network in the Sámi film industry. Trainees are paid a salary, travel and accommodation expenses. Traineeship periods are open to everyone, but priority is given to Sámi people and young trainees. Traineeships in sámi productions will continue in at least two new productions. These will be announced on social media, so follow the channels!

More information about the first open call: https://isfi.no/article/open-call-trainee-for-the-drama-series-oro-jaska/

Kaamosmaisemia – Skábmaduovdagat Workshop 9-10 February 2024

The project, in cooperation with the Kaamosmaisemia working group, implemented a short film workshop in Inari, where the participants had the opportunity to get to know and learn, especially about shooting outdoors, during the coldest and darkest time of the year. The working group consists of Janita Rantanen, Sunna Nousuniemi - Radio-Juhani Sunná Máret, Sakari Maliniemi, Tomi Lampinen and Nicholas Francett. The participants were able to learn more about photography, lighting and staging.

The work was done with joy even though it was 30 degrees below freezing in Inari during the workshop.

Study trip to Kalix, Sweden 11–15 March 2024

Media education students and teachers got to know Kalix Folkhögskola and its film education in March. In the two-day short film workshop, we worked together with the students and teachers of the Kalix Folkhögskola film education. Two short films were created, in which director Jonas Lawes was the director and workshop leader. The study trip also included a day visit to Luleå, where Sweden's second largest regional film production center, Filmpool Nord, and the film production company Iris Film were visited.

The study trip offered the students a new kind of environment to develop their skills and gain valuable practical information about the film industry in the neighboring country. Cross-border cooperation offers students many opportunities to learn, network and develop their skills. Working in an international environment also teaches communication skills in multicultural and multi-lingual situations, which is valuable in future working life.

Read more about the study trip: https://sogsakk.wordpress.com/2024/06/06/medialinjalaiset-ylittivat-rajan-yhteistyohankkeen-askeleet-suuntautuivat-ruotsiin/

The first day of the short film workshop in Kalix. In the photo are Sture Berggren, Tanja Ikonen, Kalix Folkhögskola’s teacher Anders Durvall, Mikko Vierimaa and Olivia Rönnqvist.

Erasmus+ KA220 project:

The primary goal of Cooperation Partnerships is to allow organisations to increase the quality and relevance of their activities, to develop and reinforce their networks of partners, to increase their capacity to operate jointly at transnational level, boosting internationalisation of their activities, and through exchanging or developing new practices and methods as well as sharing and confronting ideas.

This project is a continuation of the previous Erasmus+ project "Capacity building in the indigenous Sámi film industry and media education in a context on new digital media technologies. The project was a small-scale Erasmus+ partnership project coordinated by the Sámi Education Institute (SAKK) partnered with the International Sámi Film Institute (ISFI).

International Sámi Film Institute (ISFI): www.isfi.no

Kalix Folkhögskola: www.kalixfolkhogskola.se

More information about the Erasmus+ programme: erasmus-programme-finland-2021-2027

Saamelaiselokuva-alan koulutus- ja työelämätarpeista sekä opintopoluista ammattilaiseksi_FI
Education and employment needs in the Sámi film industry and study paths to becoming a professional_EN





Project Title: Creating cross-border collaboration in film education in the Sámi region and piloting an innovative traineeship programme model for Sámi film productions

Field: Vocational Education and Training

Project Duration: 1.9.2023-31.8.2025, 24 months

Budget: 250 000 €

Programme: Erasmus+

Action Type: KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training

Project Coordinator: Sámi Education Institute (SAKK)

Partners: International Sámi Film Institute (ISFI), Kalix Folkhögskola

Contact Information:
Tiina Jäppinen, project manager
Tel. 040 5559650
Email. tiina.jappinen@sogsakk.fi

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The Sámi Education Institute prepares students for employment in the workforce. We provide training for young adults and mature students. We provide companies and communities with work-based training and development services.

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The Sámi Education Institute works closely with companies and other organizations in the region. We are actively developing our services to provide workplace solutions.

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