Sámi handicrafts

Sámi handicrafts

Sámi handicraft, or duodji, is a central part of Sámi culture. Our duodji training program meets the needs of today by using and adapting traditional skills. During their studies, students enhance their creativity, craftsmanship, and problem-solving abilities. At the Sámi Education Institute, you can complete a Vocational qualification in Arts and Design with a competence area of Sámi Crafts, and graduate as an artisan. We specialize in soft materials such as fabric, leather and fur, hard materials as wood, reindeer antler and bone, as well as precious metals and jewelry production. One can also study Further and Specialist Vocational Qualifications in Sámi Handicrafts, where Sámi is the language of examination. Furthermore we arrange versatile handicraft courses around Sámi area. The studies are conducted in Finnish.

An artisan who has completed competence area of Sámi Crafts is skilled in acquiring and applying cultural knowledge relevant to Sámi handicrafts in their work. They are able to design and create Sámi handicraft products, plan their own work, and acquire a wide range of information in their field.

In gemstone and precious metal studies, the focus is on the basic techniques of working with precious metals and stones, as well as on Sámi jewelry. In addition to shared foundational exercises, students can choose to specialize according to their own interests. Sámi Education Institute organises both vocational qualification studies as well as shorter jewellery courses, where the study language is Finnish.


Soft materials in Sámi handicrafts refer to items such as fabric, fur, and leather. In their studies, students base their work on the Sámi handicraft traditions of their own family, community, and region. Gratuated artisan is skilled in acquiring and applying cultural knowledge related to Sámi handicrafts in their work. They are able to source and preprocess materials for Sámi handicrafts in accordance with the natural cycle of the environment and nature.

Initially, the focus is on handling Sámi handicraft materials, learning basic techniques, and developing cultural and language awareness. In elective modules, students deepen their prior knowledge by exploring materials, working methods, and techniques in more detail and working in a customer-oriented way. Sámi language studies are also part of the curriculum, with instruction provided in both Finnish and Sámi.

The further and specialist vocational qualifications in Sámi handicrafts are suitable for individuals with established knowledge and skills in the field. Proficiency in professional work practices is required, as well as experience in or current engagement with entrepreneurship. These qualifications are designed for those who wish to specialize and deepen their expertise in duodji.

Furthermore, a wide range of handicraft courses are offered all round the Sámi region throughout the year. These courses can be found in the educational calendar. In the handicraft courses the instructions are provided both in Finnish and Sámi.

In Sámi handicraft programme focused on hard materials, the main materials are reindeer antlers and bones, birch burls and other wood materials as well as tool steels. The training teaches a wide range of techniques for working with these materials, supporting students in discovering their own design language and professional identity. This field can be studied in vocational, further vocational and specialist vocational qualification programs. We also offer short courses throughout the Sámi area. 

Qualification holders know how to manufacture products and prepare spaces or services in their field. Aesthetic, visual and cultural competence, manual skills, and entrepreneurship are typical skills in the field. They master their most typical materials, tools, and manufacturing methods in their field. They are familiar with the regulations and practices of their field and sustainable development. Gratuated artisan is skilled in acquiring and applying cultural knowledge related to Sámi handicrafts in their work. They are able to source and preprocess materials for Sámi handicrafts in accordance with the cycle of nature.

The further and specialist vocational qualifications in Sámi handicrafts are suitable for individuals with established knowledge and skills in the field. Proficiency in professional work practices is required, as well as experience in or current engagement with entrepreneurship. These qualifications are designed for those who wish to specialize and deepen their expertise in duodji. The studies are conducted in Finnish and Sámi.

Search for educational programs in the calendar (in Finnish)


Niemelä, Teaguidance counsellor
Student Affairs Office

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