E-invoice address (EDI ID): 003702447674
Peppol-address: 0216:003702447674
Business ID: 0244767-4
Operator ID: Posti Messaging Oy / FI28768767
VAT-number: 27697901
We only accept e-invoices. If you don't have a system for creating an e-invoice, you can create an e-invoice through the Handi supplier portal. In accordance with government guidelines, invoices must have a payment term of 21 days.
We do not accept invoices sent as email attachments.
You can contact us for questions related to invoicing laskutus(at)sogsakk.fi.
Counseling from Palkeet
Palkeet, the governments finance and personnel administration service center, offers advice to suppliers on the use of the Handi portal.
• Tel: +358 2955 64060, service time 8:00 a.m. – 4:15 p.m
• Email: handitoimittajapalvelu(at)palkeet.fi
Guide page: Send an invoice to the government